he died climbing

So today in church the pastor ended his sermon by telling a story about a professional mountain climber that worked on a rescue squad that helps rescue climbers who get stuck or need help while climbing. One day this man was out on a mission, and he recused a guy who would have died if he hadn't had help, but he had to sacrifice his own life to do so.
On the slope where he died, there is now a memorial saying, "He died climbing"
The pastor finished his sermon by saying, that was what he wants to do. He wanted to die doing his best for the Lord.  He wants to do so much for God that he didn't stop because he got old, he didn't stop because he "needed a break" but he wanted to leave the earth doing as much for the Lord as he possibly could.
Someone once told me that you cant out-give God.
I realized after hearing that story that I've sort of had a bad attitude about this life.  I have had an attitude that only wants whats comfortable for me, not what is profitable to my Creator.
I felt very ashamed... I've been put here for a reason, and I can't wait to move on?! Why is my mentality just to "suffer" through this life and move on to heaven.
Whats with that? I should rejoice in this season. I shouldn't just sit around waiting for my life to be fulfilled. God has us on this earth for a purpose, and he wont let us leave until each of us has fulfilled their purpose. It really opened my eyes to realize, I cant out give my time that's for God. I can give him every second of ever day and it still wont be too much. Giving Him every second of every day, only makes life so much more enjoyable and pleasant. And also, to live a truly joy-filled life, that's what each of us has to do.


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